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Computer Security
Home Improvement

How To Password Protect Folders In Windows 10?

894 views · Aug 10, 2022
Visit Channel:publisher-humix
Security is a big deal in information technology. With the fast changing trends, it’s a must that you as a consumer, should be able to adapt to these changes. Security has taken a huge role nowadays. We will be using PASSWORD FOLDER to secure your folder away from other users. This is extremely useful when you have very confidential files, private photos or videos. Password Folder is programmed to handle these situations. It secures your normal folders to password-protected folders minus the complexity. You will have to download the application and install it to your PC before you can password protect your folders. The file is very lightweight as its only downloadable in 2MB size and 1.9MB for a portable zip version. PASSWORD FOLDER is a lightning-fast application that can change a folder to a password-protected folder in 2 to 4 seconds even if the folder is larger than 2 GB. You will be able to access the folder easily as you only have to double click on the folder, enter your password and you’re now inside the secured folder. Download PasswordFolder: Read the full review:
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