5 Most Effective Ways To Do Side Bend Exercises For Toned Oblique

visibility 4 views calendar_month Jul 13, 2024

The Side Bends are one of the best exercises to target your core muscles. It is one of the few exercises that specifically target the side muscles of your side also known as “obliques”. In these video, you will find the 5 best variations of side bends. The side bend movement engages and strengthens your oblique muscles, these muscles are responsible for spine movements and stabilizing the core. It is crucial to perform exercises with good form as that helps in preventing any injuries as well as in getting the maximum benefits out of your workouts. For weighted side bends, make sure to use a weight that you are comfortable in using. When done with the right form and technique, it can help a great deal in increasing the strength of the oblique, and the overall strength and stability of the core. In this video, we will see how to do variation's form of side bends. Timeline of Side Bends Exercises. 00:00 Standing Side Bend 00:34 45 Side Bend 01:07 Cable Side Bend 01:39 Dumbbell Side Bend 02:12 Stability Ball Side Bend =========================================================== Blog on 21 Best Oblique Exercises For A Strong Core https://www.fitliferegime.com/best-oblique-exercises-for-a-strong-core/ ===========================================================