Barbell Upright Row (Build Bigger Shoulder and Trap)

visibility 48 views calendar_month May 7, 2024

Want massive shoulders and a powerful trap? Then the barbell upright row needs to be in your workout routine! The barbell upright row is a classic exercise that targets the deltoids, particularly the lateral head, for broader and more defined shoulders. Additionally, it engages the upper traps and rhomboids, contributing to a well-rounded upper body strength and aesthetics In this video, I break down the proper form for this killer exercise, share tips for avoiding injury, and discuss variations to keep your workouts challenging. Ready to take your upper body gains to the next level? Hit subscribe and let's get started. =========================================================== To Know More, Please Visit Our Website: 20 Best Trap Workout and Exercises for Mass and Strength Barbell Upright Row: Muscles Worked, How To Do And Form 12 Best Mid-trap exercises for Muscle Mass and Strength