8 Best Shrug Workout Variation | Top Shrug Exercises
The top 8 shrug variations to help you build bigger, stronger traps! Utilize each one of these exercises for optimal results. They all serve their specific purposes. Remember that whenever you're training any muscle group, it's essential to train from all angles to build muscle symmetrically. Grow those traps by adding these 5 shrug variations to your routine! Shrugs, also known as shoulder shrugs, are an isolation exercise targeting your trapezius muscles. Perform shrugs by grabbing a pair of dumbbells, barbell, and cable. Keep your arms straight as you lift your shoulders toward your ears. Pause for a moment before lowering your shoulders back to the starting position. Repeat this movement for the desired amount of time. If you neglect your traps and fail to strengthen them alongside the other muscles in your back, it can lead to poor posture, decreased performance, and even injury down the line. However, if you use shoulder shrugs exercises to strengthen and balance the muscles in your traps, your overall performance will improve, and you’ll be able to lift even more weight. 0:00 Dumbbell Shrug 0:20 Incline Dumbbell Shrug 0:40 Barbell Shrug 0:59 Cable Shrug 1:17 Smith Machine Shrug 1:29 Behind The Back Barbell Back 1:50 Smith Machine behind the Back Shrug 2:06 Calf Raise machine Shrug =========================================================== Blog on Shrug Exercise: Benefits, Variations, Muscles used, Tips https://www.fitliferegime.com/shrug-exercise-benefits-variations-muscle-used-tips/