Habits of Successful Persons
A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. Habitual behavior often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks. Habits are sometimes compulsory. New behaviours can become automatic through the process of habit formation. Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form because the behavioural patterns which humans repeat become imprinted in neural pathways, but it is possible to form new habits through repetition. Habit formation is the process by which a behavior, through regular repetition, becomes automatic or habitual. This is modelled as an increase in automaticity with number of repetitions up to an asymptote. This process of habit formation can be slow. Lally et al. (2010) found the average time for participants to reach the asymptote of automaticity was 66 days with a range of 18–254 days. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "(1) Virat Kohli Burpee Challenge | Take The Kohli Burpee Challenge " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl71l1O0jGA -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-