Dividend Definitions - Dividend Champions Consistent Dividend Raisers
Dividend Champions are dividend stocks that have consistently raised dividends for at least 25 years (many have for much longer than 25 years). Some people call these dividend kings or dividend raisers, no matter the definition these are great stocks to further research. The list of dividend champions is compiled by David Fish and can be found for free at the following link: http://www.dripinvesting.org/Tools/Tools.asp To get my dividend investing Kindle book go here: Becoming a millionaire in the stock market is a great first milestone, after looking at many millionaires who primarily made millions investing I have come up with these 5 traits. My Dividend Investing Book: http://amzn.to/2uveFtL Want to become debt free? This book covers step by step how to do it: http://amzn.to/2vYK5GK