Mitigation meaning in Telugu | Mitigating అనే పదాన్ని ఎక్కడ ఎలా వాడాలి
Mar 15, 2023
Mitigation meaning in Telugu | Mitigating meaning in Telugu | Mitigating అనే పదాన్ని ఎక్కడ వాడాలి #Mitigatingmeaningintelugu #Mitigation #Mitigating #Meaning #Telugu Use mitigation in sentences. Use mitigate/mitigates in sentences. Use mitigated in sentences. Use mitigating in sentences. Use ''mitigation of'' in sentences. Here, I have given you the Telegu meanings of Mitigation and its synonyms and a small note on how to use the words mitigation, mitigates, mitigation of, mitigating and mitigated in the sentences.