A Review of VWS-WIND.com investment platform #hyip #vws #wind #investment #usdt
Mar 3, 2024
1: The Vestas investment platform uses the globally recognized cryptocurrency USDT as the company's settlement currency 2: The minimum investment is 8 USDT - The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 USDT 3: After the level expires, you can withdraw the principal you invest 4: You can only withdraw cash once a day, you can withdraw money at any time within 24 hours 5: Daily income distribution time is Salt Lake City time 00:00 (GMT-7) 6: New user registration will immediately give you 20 USDT investment principal Level investment principal and income: Level 1: Invest 8 USDT, daily income 2.1 USDT Level 2: Invest 60 USDT, daily income 15 USDT Level 3: Invest 160 USDT, daily income 41 USDT
# Financial Planning & Management
# Investing
# Socially Responsible Investing