'Video thumbnail for Who Knew? 🤯 These ChatGPT Alternatives Will Blow Your Mind 🤯 #ai #tech #ChatGPT'

Who Knew? 🤯 These ChatGPT Alternatives Will Blow Your Mind 🤯 #ai #tech #ChatGPT

visibility 7 views calendar_month Dec 9, 2023
publisher-humix skillhut.xyz

This video is about the top ChatGPT Alternatives for Tech and AI lovers. 1. GPT - 2 by OpenAI 2. BERT by Google 3. RoBERTa by Facebook 4. ALBERTA by Google 5. XLNET by Google and Carnegie Mellon University. 6. T5 by Google 7. CTRL by Salesforce 8. Meena by Google 9. T-NLG by Google. #chatgpt #chatgptalternatives #ai 🤔 watch this video 🤳7 Secret Sites You Can Make Serious Money Online #viral #money 🔥🔥🔥https://youtu.be/wkAl3kG942A artificial intelligence chat gpt chat gpt ai chat gpt examples chat gpt explained chat gpt how to use chat gpt to make money chat gpt tutorial chatgpt coding chatgpt examples chatgpt explained chatgpt tutorial chatgpt use cases how to use chatgpt machine learning open ai open ai chat gpt openai openai chat openai chatbot openai chatbot gpt openai chatgpt what is chat gpt what is chatgpt