How to get Adsense Approved after many rejections 😱 #adsenseapprovaltrick
This video is about how to get Google adsense approved after many rejections. If you receive the same response from Google Adsense even after applying several times, you are likely being answered by a bot. Here's what I mean: 👇 For instance, if you reapplied after working on your website and you still get the "Low-Value Content" response or another repeating response over and over again, then it is likely that you are being answered by a bot. So, if you are in these shoes, here's what to do: Step 1: Write a message following this format: Dear Adsense Team, I am writing to request a manual review of my website, [www.example.com], for Adsense eligibility. Despite meeting all the basic requirements and following Adsense policies, my application has been repeatedly rejected. I understand that the automated system used to review websites may have flagged certain aspects of my site, but I assure you that it complies with all Adsense policies. I have taken steps to ensure that the content on my site is original and high-quality and that there is no inappropriate or offensive material. I would greatly appreciate a manual review of my site by a member of the Adsense team. I am confident that with a closer examination, you will find that my site is suitable for Adsense and I can start earning revenue through advertising. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name] Step 2: Send this message to their feedback.