SHE'S NOT A GOLD DIGGER (Part 3)Featuring macaroni & Zubby

visibility 14 views calendar_month Oct 21, 2022

Macaroni and Zubby Michael tried finding gold diggers, just to expose them. but end up and found pure gold instead. Comedy Video SHE'S NOT A GOLD DIGGER Featuring Macaroni, Zubby Michael and Tegwolo watch what zubby Michael and tegwolo did to Mr macaroni it so excited. #houseofajebo #tegwolo #ajebovspakobirthday #morningdevation #stigtoon #splendidtv #Insidelife #splendidcartoon #mamabomboy #davtoon #ghenghenjokes #splendidcartoon #Leadershipbyexample #ajebovspakobithday #theinterview #schoolfeeswahala #CulturaldanceandChoreography #mrmacaroni #Mamiwater @GHENGHENJOKES @HouseOfAjebo @tuns toons @Splendid TV @Gnext Studios