Mines of Dalarnia NFT Game Crypto Game Trailer-2 #minesofdalarnia #nftgame #cryptogame #play2earn

visibility 13K views calendar_month Apr 12, 2022
publisher-humix tidebo.com

Mines of Dalarnia is a free-to-play 2D action adventure game that runs on the Chromia blockchain. Gameplay involves guiding a character through procedurally generated levels to collect rare relics and artifacts you can use to upgrade your gear and uncover the secrets of Dalarnia. By blending dungeon crawling, exploration, crafting and combat, Mines of Dalarnia delivers a fresh take on the 2D sandbox genre — but on the blockchain.  For more information: https://www.tidebo.com/mines-of-dalarnia-nft-game/

#Action & Platform Games