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Beauty & Fitness

Bellicon Rebounder Reviews (Couple Shares Trampoline Experience)

1K views · Dec 12, 2022
3-9-22 Update! Bellicon Announced Free Shipping promo from this link: This is the 44 inch bellicon rebounder. We've found that the 39 inch bellicon is a tad too small, the 44 inch is great and beyond this you have even larger trampolines, if you have the space for it. There is a lot of hype surrounding the bellicon rebounders so we wanted to see if these mini-trampolines lived up to the hype. With bungee style springs instead of metal springs, it's quieter and easier on your joints. The lymphatic and detoxification benefits are well worth it. There are many questions such as.. Timestamp: 0:15 Benefits Of Rebounding 0:35 What We Like About The Bellicon 0:50 Bellicon Warranty & Guarantees 2:08 Bellicon Customization 2:29 How Bellicon is Different From Others Brands Which bungee strength is best? Answer: The bellicon website shares which bungee strength you should purchase based on your weight. Which trampoline do you recommend? Answer: The classic and premium bellicon both have their upsides and downsides. The difference is in the materials used to build the trampoline, and the ease of access with the trampoline legs folding in for storage etc. Which Bellicon Customization Options Do You Recommend? Answer: The larger the rebounder the more jumping space you have. This is nice. The fold in legs are so valuable for storage, if you're moving it or hanging it on a wall etc. The cover for the rebounder is nice as it allows protection from your toes going into the bungees. You can learn more about customizations options here: Other Bellicon Reviews: #Belliconrebounderreview #bellicontrampolinereview #belliconreviews
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