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International Sports Competitions

These 9 Traditional African Sports Should Feature In The Olympics

1K views · Oct 9, 2022
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👉🏽👉🏽Article: After going through our list, you probably wonder why some of these sports aren’t being played competitively, yet. Here is the thing, most traditional African sports lack a definite structure. This means no specific rules of the games, no tournaments, awards, or training. In the absence of these, it is harder to standardize and scale the games. Thankfully, that is changing. Some African governments are now putting their weight behind traditional sports. With better funding, the custodians of these games can develop them further and organize more tournaments. Subsequently, its popularity will increase and give it a shot at becoming admitted into the Olympics. Perhaps, with the inclusion of more African sports at the Olympics, the continent will start harvesting more gold medals. Other Blog Post: 👉🏽Top 10 African Restaurants In New York Post Pandemic According Yelp 👉🏽Investors Are Cashing in On Tanzania’s Boom in Fish Export – Here is Why 👉🏽Seychelles Approves Laws For Farming Of 5 Rare Marine Species 👉🏽10 Game Changing Remote Jobs You Can Start Now 👉🏽French Doctors Want To Test COVID-19 Vaccine In Africa. Here Is What WHO Has To Say
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